Patrons Magazine

Patrons Magazine

Patrons magazine features articles about inspiring South Bay residents and recognizes the special contributions of Torrance Memorial Health System patrons and supporters.

Browse previous issues below or read the articles online.

Spring 2024


Fall 2023

On the Cover: Leach of Legend
Progress Notes: Celebrating 40 Years of the Holiday Festival
Progress Notes: Treating Pulmonary Embolisms
Progress Notes: Stroke Patient Tom McCarthy - Listening to His Body
Progress Notes: What You - and Your Family - Need to Know about Fentanyl
Clinical Spotlight: A Team Approach to Cancer Care - Torrance Memorial Tumor Boards
Turpanjian Naming Donation: Advanced Imaging Changes the World of Medicine
Ambassadors Corner: Timme and Kurt Gunderlock - The Structure of a Happy Life
Future Focus: Aida and Charles Hillway - A Cultured and Giving Life 
Future Focus: How to Talk about Your Final Wishes
YPPA Play-By-Play: Dr. Jamie McKinnell and Family - Delving Under the Surface

Spring 2023

Progress Notes:  The Daisy Award recognizes nurses' skills and compassion
Progress Notes:  Making Hospital Meals More Appetizing
Progress Notes:  A day in the emergency department forever links the Pryor family and Torrance Memorial.
Clinical Spotlight:  Innovation is in Torrance Memorial's DNA--New Technologies Improve Choice, Outcomes and Health.
Cover Story:  Luke and Randy Dauchot--Making a Difference, From the Midwest to the South Bay
Ambassador Corner:  A Double Beat in Cardiology
Future Focus: Colleen O'Neill - A Meaningful Mission
Future Focus: SECURE Act 2.0 - Creating an Income Stream that Benefits Charity
YPPA: There’s No Place Like Home - A South Bay family is committed to community and service.
A Bouquet of Thanks - The Daisy Award recognizes nurses’ skills and compassion.

Download Spring 2023 Issue

Fall 2022

Patron Profile:  A Ledger of Good Deeds - Accounting pros Lisa and Chuck Noski share their resources and knowledge.
Progress Notes: The Foundation's fundraising purpose, programs and team go way beyond the Snack Cart
Progress Notes:  Why Torrance Memorial physicians chose to work in medicine
Progress Notes:  Legacy of CEO George W. Graham
Progress Notes:  Emergency Department expansion for the future
Clinical Spotlight:  High-tech imaging helps IR find and fix life-threatening conditions
Clinical Spotlight:  A Torrance Memorial team performs minimally invasive surgery, saving the lives of a new mom and daughter.
Clinical Spotlight:  Success story of orthopedic spine patient and Torrance Memorial employee Mina Diaz
Every Donation Counts:  Tennis, cookies, lemonade stand, car donation and Lawndale Rotary Club all give back.
Ambassadors Corner:  Pat Carlson shares her love of animals and the important healing aspects of pets.
Future Focus:  Del McCulloch's life of laughter and compassion
The Proposition 19 surprise
YPPA Play-By-Play:  Brian Miura, MD strikes a balance between a hectic ED schedule, time off and travel.

Download Fall 2022 Issue

Spring 2022

Tom & Lori O'Hern: Ironman Agents
Cardio-Oncology: Building a new program for heart care
Ambassadors Corner: Ingredients for Success
Future Focus: Real Estate Pastime Still Going Strong
Progress Notes: El Segundo Medical Complex Offers State-of-the-Art, Family Focused Care
Progress Notes: Major Improvements to Pathology Lab
Progress Notes: Cedars-Sinai and Torrance Memorial Mark Four Years of Affiliation

Download Spring 2022 Issue

Fall 2021

Manny and Ofelia David: Shepherds of Elder Care
Progress Notes: No "I" in Team
Progress Notes: Taking COVID-19 Vaccines to Torrance’s Most Vulnerable Residents
Progress Notes: Chain of Care
Progress Notes: Liz’s Legacy
Progress Notes: The Right Man, in the Right Place, at the Right Time
Clinical Spotlight: Getting Back on Track with Cancer Screenings Could Save Your Life
Three Years Later: Torrance Memorial & Cedars-Sinai Collaboration Continues to Bring Advanced Care to THE South Bay Community
Clinical Spotlight: The Latest Heart Technology is a Lifesaver
Abassadors Corner: Perfect Game
Future Focus: Judith & Sherrill Sipes: A Life of Service & Giving
Tax Consequences of Gifting IRAs to Heirs
YPPA: The Art of Medicine
Complete Care for the Entire Family

Spring 2021

One Family, Two Generations of Hospital Support
Altering Lives
Keeping Torrance Memorial Breathing Safely
Savoring the Journey
Hunt Cancer Center: One Year Later
Lundquist Neurosciences Institute
World-Class Neurosciences Care Right Here in the South Bay
A Personal Connection to Cancer Care
Generosity by Design
Per Stirpes Vs. Per Capita...What Does it All Mean?
Practicing Work-Life Balance

Fall 2020

Board Notes: Torrance Memorial is Family
Supporting Healthcare Through a 30-Year Partnership
Mending Broken Hearts
From Hospital Bed to Son's Wedding - On the Same Day
Infectious Disease Experts Promote Positive Outcomes
Cleaning 'Round the Clock 
Future Focus: Thankful for the Best Care Imaginable
Defining an Estate Plan and Roadblocks to Avoid
Crafting a Meaningful Life
Ambassador's Corner: A Family Tradition of Caring and Commitment
YPPA Play-by-Play: Living Life to the Fullest
Every Donation Counts

Download Fall 2020 Issue

Spring 2020

A Valuable Education 
Stroke Doesn't Have to Be Devastating When Expert Care is Close to Home
A Gathering for Giving, Gratitude
A Great Heart Program is Now Even Better
Experience Matters
At the Top of Their Game 
A Hands-On Guy 
A Win-Win For Everyone 
Reversing Your Mindset 
A Force for Good 
Ambassadors to the Community 

Download Spring 2020 Issue 

Fall 2019

My Journey with Torrance Memorial Medical Center
Holiday Festival Collects Toys for Tots
It Takes a Village to Be Santa
Charting a Course for Women's Healthcare
Under the Guidance of Angels
Middle School Students Go "Old School"
Remembering Glen Tsuruta
New Toys and Art Supplies
YPPA Gives Back 
Advancing Toward a Cure 
Donors Support Hunt Cancer Center Through Naming Opportunities
Leaving a Legacy
IRAs, RMDs, and QCDs
Family Recipe 
A Hospitalist's Helping Hand
We're All in This Together

Download Fall 2019 Issue 

Spring 2019

10 Whiz-Bang Technologies Changing the Patient Care Game
One Year Anniversary
4 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Hospital
Every Donation Counts
A More Convenient Option
Safe and Sound
Raised to Give Back
Riding High
A Close Call Times Two
Don't Pin Her Down
A Few Kind Words Stretch a Long Way

Download Spring 2019 Issue 

Fall 2018

Lights, Camera, Holiday Festival: DJ Dewey
Lights, Camera, Holiday Festival: Bev George
Lights, Camera, Holiday Festival: The Luminaries and Novas
From Bollywood to Hollywood
Uncoding the Future
NICU On the Move
All In the Family
Steady Wins the Race
Rooted in Local Healthcare
Couple Shares Interest in Giving and Volunteering
Generosity Pays in Spades For Opportunity Drawing Winner

Download Fall 2018 Issue 

Spring 2018

All in the Family
Champions of the Heart
An ‘Ambassador’ of Care
Putting the Fun in Philanthropy
Play Together; Stay Together
Stroke of Luck
Open Mind; Open Heart
Planting a Seed for the Future
Your Investment Strategy in Today's Global Economy

Download Spring 2018 Issue 

Winter 2017

Torrance Memorial Makes the Honor Roll
Five Is the Lucky Number
A View from the Green
Planned Gift Gave Couple Peace of Mind
An Integrative Approach
A Family Affair
Staying Connected

Download Winter 2017 Issue

Spring 2017

Innovation is at the Heart of the Cardiology Team
A New Rhythm
Cardio Exploration
Bequest Helps Jim Andrews Put Others in "Good Hands"
PAC Member Offers Tax Planning Tips
A Heart for Babies and Children
Jespa's Journey

Download Spring 2017 Issue 

Fall 2016

Flower Power
North Tower Becomes Hub of Mother and Child Care
Meet our newest Board Members
A New GPS System for Battling tumors
Stage 4 to Center Stage
Healthy Humble Relentless

Download Fall 2016 Issue

Spring 2016

High Marks for Cardiovascular Care
Grant Provides Health Services to the Centinela Valley
Second Chance at Life Inspires Giving Tuesday Gift
Harriet Bailiss-Sustarsic: Fashion-Forward, Health Focus
Telestroke Launches to Prevent Brain Loss
Maximize Your 2016 Tax Planning
Why You Need an Advance Health Care Directive
In the Name of Health: O. Allen Alpay Puts Money to Work for Local Health Care

Download Spring 2016 Issue

Fall 2015

Miracle of Living Offers Access to Latest Health Info
No Room for Humbug at the Holiday Festival Fashion Show
Five is Magic Number for Festival Opportunity Drawing
Back on Board
Mira Costa High School Students Receive By Giving
A Grand Check and a Grand Finale
Lundquist Tower Carries a New Tune
Retired Physician Gives Back to "His Hospital"
Financial Health Checkup: Protect Yourself from Elder Abuse with the Right Plan
A Half Century of Good Citizenship
A View from The Dash

Download Fall 2015 Issue 


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