Torrance Memorial's 100th Anniversary Centennial Celebration
A Century of Care & Innovation
In 2025, Torrance Memorial Medical Center will reach a historic milestone: one hundred years of care, innovation, and dedication to the South Bay community. From our beginnings as a local nonprofit hospital in 1925 to becoming a regional leader recognized among the top 3% of hospitals in California, we have continuously advanced to meet the needs of our community.
This remarkable journey has been inspired by visionaries, trailblazers, and supporters who have given back to help us go forward.
- Founders: Jared and Helena Torrance, who envisioned a nonprofit hospital built on excellence and inclusivity.
- Pioneers: Leaders like Dr. Patricia Sacks, who helped establish the Polak Diagnostic Center, screening over 35,000 women annually for breast cancer. Dr. Richard "Dick" Hoffman, who understood that advancing care required acquiring cutting-edge technology to diagnose and treat complex cases, transforming Torrance Memorial into a leader in radiological innovation.
- Innovators: Physicians like Dr. Mark Lurie, who built the Lundquist Lurie Cardiovascular Institute into a leader in cardiac care and research.
- Philanthropists: Patrons like Melanie and Richard Lundquist and Priscilla Hunt, whose generosity helped create centers of excellence
As we look forward to the next 100 years, we invite you to celebrate our shared history and support our bright future.
Denim & Diamonds Party
Join us for a dazzling evening to celebrate Torrance Memorial’s Centennial.
- Dates: April 25, 2025
- Time: 6:00 PM – 9:30 PM
- Location: Torrance Memorial Medical Center
- Attire: Denim & Diamonds
- Highlights: Cocktails, food stations, and a celebration of the past, present, and future of expert care in the South Bay.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Become a part of Torrance Memorial’s history by sponsoring this momentous event. Your generosity helps us continue to deliver state-of-the-art care and innovation. Interested in becoming a sponsor? Please call 310-517-4703 or email
- Diamond: $100,000 | VIP table for 10 with limousine service for the evening, VIP recognition
- Platinum: $50,000 | VIP table for 10 with limousine service for the evening
- Gold: $25,000 | VIP seating for 8, VIP parking
- Silver: $10,000 | VIP seating for 6
- Bronze: $5,000 | VIP seating for 4
- $300 per person (early registration through April 1, 2025)
- $350 per person (after April 1, 2025)
Can’t attend? Consider making a donation to support our mission of advancing care and innovation.
Centennial Honorary Committee
We are proud to recognize the incredible leaders and supporters who make our centennial celebration possible:
Honorary Chairs:
- Melanie and Richard Lundquist
Committee Members:
- Nadine & Ty Bobit
- Randy & Luke Dauchot
- Ofelia & Emmanuel David
- Donna Duperron
- Sally & Mike Eberhard
- Jonathan Chute & Thyra Endicott, MD
- Ronnie & Alan Goldstein
- Jackie & Greg Geiger
- Eve & Rick Higgins
- Merilee & Keith Hobbs
- Erin & Heidi Hoffman, MD
- Terry & Joe Hohm
- Priscilla Hunt
- Sherry & Ian Kramer, MD
- Judy & Craig Leach
- Robert & Mimi Liu
- Pat & Rich Lucy
- Barbara Demming & Mark Lurie, MD
- Laurie & Tom McCarthy
- Lisa & Eric Nakkim, MD
- Serena & John Ngan
- Lori & Tom O’Hern
- Scriba Family
- Kay & Sam Sheth
- Sam & Monica Sim
- Jackelyn Lee So, MD, & George So, MD
- Ellen & Pat Theodora
- Mary Tu
- Oren Zaidel, MD
- Carla & Walt Zanino
- Andrea & Michael Zislis
Learn More
For more information about our centennial events, including Community Days, please visit our official centennial page here.
Celebrate the past, support the present, and shape the future of care in the South Bay. We look forward to seeing you there!