Happiness doesn’t come from what we receive, but from what we give. All of us feel a deeper connection to each other and ourselves when we help our families and communities thrive. When you give back to the Torrance Memorial Foundation you are giving back to yourself and everyone who calls the South Bay home.


Make a lasting impact on the services and programs at Torrance Memorial by extending your support through your estate plan. With several gift arrangements to choose from, you can put your gifts to work today or benefit us after your lifetime.


When you support Torrance Memorial, you have the potential of impacting nearly one million lives in the South Bay community.


For over 40 years, the Ambassadors annual giving program has been dedicated to promoting and financially contributing to the medical center’s health programs.


YPPA connects like-minded physicians and professionals in the South Bay who share the drive to do well for themselves and do good for their community.

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