Written by Laura Roe Stevens
Angela Park Sheldon is someone who seems to have it all—minus the anxiety most successful achievers live with. Words used to describe Sheldon, who is a managing partner and wealth advisor for Tortuga Wealth Management, include business leader, adventure-seeker, traveler, mom, wife, philanthropist and “a happy camper with a keen sense of humor.” This last comment resonates with Sheldon, who strives daily to live without regrets.
“Oh yeah, I am a happy camper, literally and figuratively,” she says with a laugh. “I’ve done bungee jumping. I’ve climbed Mount Whitney. I’ve been all over the world: South America, Vietnam, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, Egypt, Dubai … you name it. We travel a lot and try to instill that love of travel in our kids. Our goal is to get to at least half—or all 50—states before they graduate.”

With a six-year-old and an eight-year-old, Sheldon and her husband, Hank, have 10 years to achieve that goal. But she isn’t daunted. So how does this dynamic businesswoman, mom and even Girl Scout leader juggle it all?
“It’s all about balance. You have to save for tomorrow, but you also have to live for today,” Sheldon explains. “It’s all about work-life balance because tomorrow is not guaranteed. I don’t want any regrets.“
We spoke over the phone while Sheldon was in Idaho on a family vacation. In the morning, while her two children, Zeke and Eliana, were attending Zoom school, she worked. In the afternoons, the family enjoyed the snow, taking time to ski, snowboard, hike and sled.
“In spite of the pandemic, we still live our lives in a way that makes sense for us,” she says. During our conversation, her youngest had a bit of trouble with his Zoom classroom assignment, so Sheldon stepped away to help. I got to see firsthand her quick juggling abilities and calm demeanor.
“Mrs. Webb, Zeke is lost about what he should be doing. What is the next activity I need to prepare for him?”
After sorting it out for her six-year-old, Sheldon came back to the phone chuckling and talking again about the importance of balance. Her advice to all women juggling work demands and at-home Zoom kids is this: work out!
“I work out every single day. The first thing I do each morning is work out. And I do yoga every week. It’s what keeps me sane.”
Sheldon has also made philanthropy a priority. She is a founding—and still active—member of the Torrance Memorial Young Physicians and Professionals Alliance (YPPA). She says the beauty of the YPPA is how it brings together community and business leaders with physicians to have fun, network, and give back.
The YPPA is now nine-years young and growing strong. Besides the ability to give back to the community and strengthen the hospital’s programs, Sheldon says the biggest benefit of being a member is making friends. YPPA members are finding creative ways to stay connected during the pandemic. From sunny beach cleanups to virtual trivia happy hours, members socialize, network and continue to raise funds to support the hospital and community health.
“The people you’re going to meet, whether physicians or professionals, are outstanding. Our members are excellent in their fields of practice. And clearly, this organization helps us continue to keep a top-notch hospital in our own backyard. In order to continue to keep this level of excellence, you need to be involved.”