In 2015, YPPA proudly launched its support for two awards that recognize Torrance Memorial employees who go above and beyond to make a difference with our patients and visitors. The DAISY Award (Diseases Attacking the Immune SYstem) was created in 1999 for RNs to say “thank you for the gifts nurses give their patients and families every day.” The nurse-patient relationship is probably the strongest with most frequent contact, yet many other employees also contribute to quality care- including our doctors, of course. That’s why Torrance Memorial created The Reason Is You award for non-RN staff providing extraordinary service.
By the time COVID-19 became a part of our daily lives in March, Torrance Memorial physicians, nurses and healthcare workers were doing everything in their power to keep us safe. The Reason Is You was awarded to all Torrance Memorial staff, volunteers and physicians in June 2020 for gathering in a strong, united front. Every department, employee, volunteer and medical staff member played a crucial role in adjusting quickly to meet the required regulations and guidelines.
Heidi Hoffman, MD, YPPA founding member of the group in 2012, shared her experience working at Torrance Memorial, “The foresight, preparation, collaboration and teamwork demonstrated by our staff and administration has been extraordinary, and I am confident in our ability to face this challenge as a strong, united team.”
With more than 15 years of diverse experience as an infectious disease and internal medicine specialist, Jamie McKinnell, MD, YPPA executive committee co-chair, shared his experience, “Torrance Memorial administration has been quick to act, and great leadership has been demonstrated on all levels. The goal is to remain well-prepared and on guard for what is next as restrictions are lifted and a phased-in opening of business, schools and public events take place.
Our health care heroes keep us safe with competence and excellence. YPPA is proud to support the employee recognition programs in praise and honor of everyone in the outstanding Torrance Memorial family.
YPPA strives to make a positive impact on the Torrance Memorial community by hosting unique social events and philanthropic activities. Through yearly membership donations, YPPA has been able to support a number of meaningful services at Torrance Memorial. For more information about YPPA and how you can join, visit www.torrancememorial.org/YPPA or contact Sophia Neveu at sophia.neveu@tmmc.com or 310-257-7266.